You were so right about Starship Ragnarok

LOL! When I was gearing up to release Starship Ragnarok, I put three covers up in front of everyone and asked you to choose which was the best. Then I went for the one I liked anyway. Shame on me!

Looking at the cover with a fresh eye last week – this is the yellow one with a tiny silhouette of a spaceship and a load of stuff going on underneath it that you can’t really make out – I realized that my readers had been right all along, and it was not a good cover at all.

So I made it a new one, which now looks like this:

It looks way better in a thumbnail – you can actually read the title. I had been doing that author thing with the previous one, where I wanted it to look like a scene in the book. I really must break myself of that one.

Many thanks to JAKO5D from Pixabay for the image.

On other news, for those who don’t follow my newsletter, there’s a great promotion going on atm over on Story Origin with (I didn’t count them, but) numerous books going either for free or at a discounted price. I picked up an interesting one about a paranormal detective, because as a mystery-cum-fantasy writer, that seems right in my wheelhouse 🙂

Oh, and you may have noticed that over the weekend I acquired a middle initial. I had finally searched for myself on Amazon and discovered that I was only the third Alex Oliver to turn up. So I added the R to distinguish myself from the Alex Oliver who writes about Real Estate, and the Alex Oliver who writes about Plural Logic.

It stands for ‘Rey’ btw, because I figured that if I had to have a middle name, it too would be a unisex one, and I liked the Star Wars association.

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