Another day, another cover re-design

As is often the case, now I’ve started doing cover re-designs I looked at the rest of my books and thought ‘should I update these too?’

As per usual, the answer was ‘well, let’s at least try.’

I went looking for a new picture for the cover of The Witch’s Boy, but in the end couldn’t find one I liked more than the original. But of course, you can do all kinds of things to the same photo to make it look different. So here’s a redesign of The Witch’s Boy to try to make it look a bit more grown up and in line with current tastes. Which one of these two do you like best?*

Also as per usual, by the time I’ve finished working on it, I can no longer tell whether it’s any good or not. I think I like it. What do you think?

*The new one is on the left and the old on the right.

(As an aside, I should finish writing the cozy mystery I’m working on by this time next week. At which point I can start thinking about writing actual new SF/F instead of tinkering with the old.)

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