Write On – a short practical guide to becoming a published author.

Getting Started – the tools of the trade. Hoards of people want to write a novel. Just as doctors find that everyone they meet tells them about their ailments, authors find that everyone tells them about the novel they intend to write. Authors generally nod …

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How to convert your fanfiction to original fiction so you can publish it and make a ton of money.

First I’d like to say that fanfic is awesome. A lot of people will try to make you feel ashamed about having written fanfic. I’ve read blogs where readers have said ‘I loved that book! Now I know it was fanfic once, I feel betrayed.’ …

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You need to know these facts about fire, or your fantasy worldbuilding will fail.

Clearly there are many advantages to reading bad books. One of these is the inspiration to write blog posts in an effort to make sure it never happens again. There are several aspects of medieval life which are easily researchable, but which sometimes writers think …

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How to explain to Christian children about being an author of queer books.

Look at this! I was invited to speak at our local Church of England infants’ school by the vicar, some years ago now, and I’ve just discovered the talk I wrote for them. I managed to get most of it out without consulting the paper, …

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